. . . (aka RE) is the corrective exercise system based on the paradigm of Whole Body Alignment developed by biomechanist Katy Bowman, M.S., which is the main thread that ties together what I do and helps it all make sense. The biomechanical science underlying the exercises gives a clear and objective understanding of what our bodies ought to be able to do, what we actually are doing, and how to make changes in our everyday life to begin to restore our natural alignment and natural movement. This is the most eye-opening and immediately helpful information I have to share. (I almost never accost random strangers on the street, though!) Pilates and Alignment
. . . describes how I practice and teach Pilates apparatus and mat exercises, incorporating the principles of Katy Bowman's Whole Body Alignment paradigm with exercises and equipment of Joseph Pilates' brilliant Method.
I draw from these bodies of knowledge to help unwind pain and misalignments and teach awareness, exercises and techniques for people to help themselves.
. . . (aka HM) Orthopedic Massage is a brilliant combination of soft tissue and joint mobilization techniques, neuromuscular reeducation, and Wave Mobilization, developed by amazing teacher and manual therapist Dr. Tom Hendrickson, D.C. You are part of this therapy - your own nervous system engages to facilitate healing and balance out ingrained neuromuscular habits. It is effective, gentle, relieves acute and chronic pain and helps to normalize muscle activation and joint position. It's also fully clothes-on, which makes it easy to move between hands-on manipulations and exercise lessons. |
What thrills me the most is when I can help you do WHATEVER YOU LOVE
or want to do every day, pain-free and enjoying your body.
Sarah Kotzamani

"The true essence of spirituality is expressed in whether or not one's deepest relationship to the wider universe is intact.
When intact, one experiences a deeply rooted wholeness and sense of belonging that is not only the basis for
psychospiritual health, but which spontaneously gives rise to two inescapable truths.
One is that Life is on your side. The other is that you are an active participant in the outcome of your situations."
- Michael Ellner and Tom DiFerdinando
Life is on our side.
How about that?
When intact, one experiences a deeply rooted wholeness and sense of belonging that is not only the basis for
psychospiritual health, but which spontaneously gives rise to two inescapable truths.
One is that Life is on your side. The other is that you are an active participant in the outcome of your situations."
- Michael Ellner and Tom DiFerdinando
Life is on our side.
How about that?